
             Sense of beauty in the four seasons in Japan@@@   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Japanese/English


   Welcome !, to the dream  museum Japan


It has been five years since the global pandemic of the new coronavirus in 2020

As more and more municipalities have changed to Category 5 and returned to their previous lives, and have stopped announcing the number of infected people.

The number of infected people is increasing rapidly as of July 21 due to the mutant strain "KPE3" that has no vaccine effect

In order to prevent another explosion of infections, it is necessary to take infection prevention measures that return to the starting point

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Please enjoy the 54content of the four seasons, four seasonsiconclick

message from  museum

The theme of this museum is the sense of beauty of Japan that everyone in Japan haspotentially.

This is a museum on cyberspace that introduces a moment of the rich beauty of japan's richfour seasons that has been nurturing it since 2001, focusing on original content that condensesand expresses the moment in the 3DCG image space.

The sense of beauty of Japan that has been cultivated and cultivated by the japanese feel thebeauty of the rich four seasons of Japan in their daily lives and the fusion of the heart withnature.

Why don't you go into the world where you can return to the content that the Japanese areJapanese?

At the time of the opening, there were about 11 3DCG content of still images, but since thenwe have added works and animated content at any time.

Starting in 2017, we have renewed and introduced 3D animation content that condensed 3DCGcontent centered on still images into tens of seconds.

From 2018, we will introduce the new editing software k to add and improve captions to theanimation content.

I would like to add new Japanese aesthetic works while improving the quality of my work fromtime to time.

You can enjoy selecting your favorite content from each of the 55graphic icons displayed byclicking on the four seasons menu and the four-season calendar icon at the top.

Then, please enjoy it slowly.The copyright subsists in a site webmaster